Proper nutrition for the health of your eyes

It is known that the main foods responsible for good eyesight are carrots and blueberries. What other foods are good for eyesight and what is the reason for this benefit? The principle of nutrition for the eyes is very simple: you need to eat as many foods containing vitamins A, C and E as possible.

Vitamin A. Extremely important for vision, as it is part of the retinal pigment. A deficiency of this vitamin causes "chicken blindness" (vision weakens at dusk and after dark). However, its regular intake is necessary in case of any visual impairment. It is the high content of vitamin A that makes carrots such a valuable product for the eyes. This vegetable is a plant source of beta-carotene, which the body converts into vitamin A. It is less well known that yellow peppers and avocados contain much more than carrots. And the leader in this indicator is apricot. In addition, it is useful both fresh and dried. The daily dose of vitamin A is contained in 2 egg yolks.

Vitamin C. Even in the same person, whether nearsighted or farsighted, vision can fluctuate both during the day and throughout the year and depends on well-being and pressure, which in turn is related to blood circulation. Therefore, the eye cannot be considered an isolated organ. With an increase in blood pressure, the blood supply to the retina is disrupted. Therefore, the condition of the eyes is mainly related to blood vessels. And the main protector of blood vessels is vitamin C. That is why it is so important for eye health. Since blueberries are very rich in them, you should eat at least 10 glasses of fresh berries per season. Crushed cranberries with sugar will improve your eyesight in winter. One orange contains a daily dose of vitamin C.

Vitamin E. This is a powerful antioxidant, a substance that reduces the risk of premature aging of eye tissues, the appearance of dystrophic changes in the retina and iris. Regular intake of this vitamin also counteracts the risk of eye tumours. Wheat and rye germs are now available in large supermarkets. One tablespoon of crushed sprouts contains a daily dose of the third "eye" vitamin. You can also get it from 50-100 g of hazelnuts or Brazil nuts.